Best Bruxism Clenching Sleeping Position Pillow

Sleeping on your back is with no si face touching is ideal but not realistic.

Sleeping on your back is with no si face touching is ideal but not realistic.

I wanted to share something exciting that may help you regardless of what you've tried to stop nocturnal nighttime clenching. About four nights ago, I was wearing my DIY switch device, and it was going off like crazy, my wife woke me up with the vibration sound before me. Well, I had a shit load of tons of face pain the next day.

My theory is, because I remember my face was buried in the side of the pillow so hard that the pressure was confusing/complicating my response time to "let go".

Also, more importantly having your throat constricted and not open will make you grind toped your trachea breathing pathway.

Well, I've been back sleeping every night, and I respond to my DIY device feedback without waking up my wife. (Fitbit Data) I'll be back sleeping for 60 days now thru Sept. Subscribe to my Channel to get an update.

You have to use an orthopedic pillow and 6" bolster under your knees. If your jaw doesn't get jammed into you pillow, maybe this will help others.

Sleep Apnea or breathing issues may complicate back sleeping. Not a Doctor.


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I make no money on these products but hay help me, not even affiliate links, I hope they work for you. Let me know if they do please on. my youtube channel.


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