Tinnitus caused by Inflammation and Clenching

"Were you stressed, going through a tough time or depressed when you got T"?

Tinnitus TMJ Inflamation Clenching Bruxism Ear  2.png

Hi everyone my name is Ryan, and I've personally have had some good success lowering my T. Let me explain. Someone that can alternate T from jaw or neck movement (Somatic T) most likely has inflammation of the jaw masseter muscles & temporalis pulling the small muscles inside the ear* (my 2 cents, read below). I believe this is caused by unidentified nighttime clenching (or Bruxism) . Most don't realize this has happened at all. I made a data tracker hooked to a simple switch glued to a mouthguard and discovered I clenched on avg over 60+ times, with over 140 sec total. Those muscles are the strongest in your body. My jaw now feels loose and comfortable, and my T is 75% lower now that my switch alerts me. I also take 1000 mg of Tumeric in morning and night.

Hope this helps someone.

*There are two muscles which serve a protective function in the middle ear; the tensor tympani and stapedius. They contract in response to loud noise, inhibiting the vibrations of the malleus, incus and stapes, and reducing the transmission of sound to the inner ear. This action is known as the acoustic reflex.

Bruxism Device

Germany has a device - I tried it and clenched it to death in 2 nights.

A product has to be small it is obviously extremely limited in space. Coin motors are a great solution because they have an extremely low profile.

It notifies…when they start to clench, through a vibration motor moulded into a wearable mouthpiece worn overnight.


Don't sue me - I’m just trying to help with sharing what has worked for me.

Disclaimer - I am not selling a Medical device nor is my info in this message above intended for human use.


Designing a device for controlling & monitoring of Bruxism Clenching Grinding Tension Headaches


10 things that helped me with Tinnitus