Glowforge Proofgrade Settings with any Materials
My daughters and I get the same question asked several times about a few videos I post. If you remember back, during the Military Coaster video I used non-Proofgrade materials and Proofgrade settings. Since the video was published, I’ve had several viewers ask how I did the settings. I’ll show you today – and it’s crazy easy.
Step 1
First Create your design and load your non-Proofgrade material into your Glowforge.
Step 2
Next From the Glowforge App screen, click where it says “Unknown”. A popup will appear and you can search or select any material to pull up the preprogrammed, Proofgrade settings. I tend to use Proofgrade settings often when cutting non-Proofgrade acrylic, and I find they work well. Also, if your QR Code gets damaged or removed – you can use this same process!
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