Hi, I’m Ryan DeWitt.
I created hackLAB in my garage back in 2012. I spent a lot of my adult life stressed, unfocused, and brain fogged. I always wanted more or thought I needed more amazon purchases to be happy, but realized after years of making mistakes in my garage and letting go that progress and enviably happiness isn't an accident, it's in found in focus.
If you're a maker or crafter and feel overwhelmed, distracted, or exhausted at work, I know how you feel. I've been there. I've worked too hard, spent too much, and slept too little.
Just stick with me, and I'll share all the ways I moved from an empty garage and devastating hearing condition in 2015 to feeling the best I've felt in decades, from being in debt and unfocused to living debt-free with a joyful purpose. We'll talk about organizing your shop, the benefit of mistakes, creating space to notice your true maker gifts life, and how to enjoy what matters most to you to all while making an income that has a purpose.
Maker30 is the maker challenge that will change your shop and your life.
Make 30 items in 3 months and get back all the purpose you were missing while you worrying about what to make. Rules and other helpful information coming soon. I’ll announce this on my Channel.
For everything you want to know about Maker90, read the book!, The Maker Challenge that Proves that Done is Better than Perfect is coming out on March 3rd, 2020.
Read the book, take the challenge and join Ryan Live online to Discuss! Plus, order early and receive free access to the new Maker90™ course and other bonuses.
I'm looking forward to learning more about how I can help you create a maker path and purposeful life that makes you smile every time you walk in your shop.
So excited to meet you, let's do this - love Ryan