Product Designer • Storyteller • Coach - Ryan D.
When I was in high school my Trig teacher asked me what I wanted “to be”. I told her I want to be an engineer. She rolled the eyes, and told I would never be one, as she animately explained that her daughter was an Engineer and I didn’t have what it took because I was just an “average” or less student. What she didn’t know was my home was distracting not even coming close to providing the discipline, role model or structure I later got as an adult. I pursued that dream with vengeance, became an Engineer, later got a Masters in Design. Today I’m a Dad and invent products that help others. I love being an inventor because it involves researching tech, creative brainstorming ideas, prototyping, and testing. So keep exploring your interests and never stop learning.
Years later, I had to make another life-changing decision with my 1st daughter, Sydney. I side-lined my career to be at home with my daughter. Being a stay at home parent was one of the best decisions Suzanne and I ever made. I used my evenings and went back to get my Design Masters.
But, I missed the people and the hustle, so I started working and filming again. But this time, I didn't want to be all things to everyone. So here I am, and I'm glad you found me, now tell me your story, feel free to contact me or call 919-807-1158 if you want to collaborate or schedule some time with me to learn one-on-one online anywhere.