Sound Player Relay Switch - Course

I’m sharing some skills below that changed my life. I spent about 3 years developing this prototype to treat my Tinnitus and believe we all could do amazing things with this approach.

Source Code • 3D Project Case • 2D Project Case • Tens Unit




Basic Sound

SPRS part list and assembly

Parts List for SPRS

Arduino and Sensors

Schematic Introduction

Creating Arduino Sound Using Tones and Custom Sound Files

Arduino Code Explanation

NIH Research Discussion on Timings

BiModal treatment for Neuroplasticity therapies.

Building your own tVNS unit with a Mosfet

Building your own Tens Unit with a Mosfet

Context / /
Files & Parts for Entrepreneurs + Inventors
514 Daniels Street Raleigh NC 27612
Context Communications LLC (dba hackLAB)

Disclaimer- Any Course, sold on this website is available and ships unassembled for inventors. Products or information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any human disease. Any statements made on sites or videos made by other inventors, bloggers, or YouTubers regarding the mentioned parts have not yet been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Or to put it another way, you may use the mentioned (educational model) at your own risk. The buyer assumes all liability for injury or unlikely death. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease — Context Communications LLC (dba hackLAB). Always wear hearing, eye protection, or a helmet if necessary.